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All about Kiteboarding and Kitesurfing from beginners to guru's
Check this out, a gerat story on how to pick the kitesurfing kite. if your starting, avoid kites that have a lot of lift, look for a thicker tubeing in front of the kite, they will turn slower than orther kites but are easier to control, look for kites that have tighter fabric around the outside edge of the kite. the tigher the fabric the faster they will turn.
As you can probably already guess, you can't go kitesurfing with just any kite and expect the results you want. However, you also can't just go out with any kitesurfing kite. There are a lot of different features to every kite - and these features will have a major effect on how the kite handles, and what sorts of tricks you'll be able to do with it.
For instance, if you're just starting out, you'll probably want to look for a kite that has been designed specifically with beginners in mind. What this means is that you're probably not going to want anything that is going to a lot of lift (compared to a normal amount for kitesurfing). The reason for this is that the more lift you have, and the less of your weight is resting on (or under) the water, the faster you'll be capable of going. While increased lift and speed is exciting for an experienced kitesurfer, it will make it very difficult for a beginner to maintain control of either the kite or the board.
One thing that you should check out on the kite would be the tubing inside of the kite. If the tubing is thin in the front, then that means the kite will turn faster. On the other hand, if the front tubing is thick, then this means that the kite will turn slower. Slower turns are probably better for beginners, since it will give more time to prepare for each turn.
Another thing that you should consider is how tight the fabric is going to be around the outside of the kite. If the fabric is very tight, then it will mean that the kite will turn more quickly. On the other hand, if the fabric is not so tight, then the kite will be more sluggish in the air.
No matter which brand of kitesurfing kite you're looking at, you should always check out the different features in order to find out whether or not this particular kite is the best one for you. If you're not sure which one is best for you, then you should ask for help from somebody who has more experience with kitesurfing.
About the author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!