All about Kiteboarding and Kitesurfing from beginners to guru's

Thursday, June 29, 2006

movehome89's space: Kitesurfing Equipmen...

movehome89's space: Kitesurfing Equipmen...

some basics and safty tips for the bigenners...

The Gay Safari: Neoprene time is here soon

The Gay Safari: Neoprene time is here soon

Kiteboarding in Capetown...

sprintsite375's space: The art of surfing...

sprintsite375's space: The art of surfing...

some great tipe about Kite surfing. not too keen on sharks however.

sonomaonline1785's space: Kitesurfing Equipmen...

sonomaonline1785's space: Kitesurfing Equipmen...

more kites that you can poke a stick at.

note the comment about a kite that can be launched from in the water.

taghome1448's space: Costs Associated Wit...

taghome1448's space: Costs Associated Wit...

some basics for the beginners. good info on costs and what to get into.

Kiteboarding News: Nassau Bahamas - New Kitesurfing Location with Extreme Sports Cafe..

Kiteboarding News: Nassau Bahamas - New Kitesurfing Location with Extreme Sports Cafe..: "Nassau Bahamas"

maybe consider Nassau Bahamasmaybe next time you off for a kiteboarding holiday

SEND IT!!! » Blog Archive » Back in saddle for Rio Dazzzze!!!

SEND IT!!! » Blog Archive » Back in saddle for Rio Dazzzze!!!

A good little info, and some places to go Kite surfing

Northwest Kiteboarding Forums - Gorge / Portland / Oregon Coast

Northwest Kiteboarding Forums - Gorge / Portland / Oregon Coast

great kiteboard forum, get logged onto it and have a read.

The Best Kiteboarding free videos, kite boarding mpegs, quictime movies, avi, kitesurfing, kite surfing, photos, jpegs and more.

The Best Kiteboarding free videos, kite boarding mpegs, quictime movies, avi, kitesurfing, kite surfing, photos, jpegs and more.

Some fantastic video's of kiteboarders. have a look and play around.

How To KiteSurf

How To KiteSurf

You gotta read this if starting out.
Great directions

Riley's World: kiteboarding

Riley's World: kiteboarding

Great bit of footage and photo's from San Francisco Bay...

Duncan's search: Krazy.....

Duncan's search: Krazy.....

check out the kite here......

Sail Brooklyn: Plumb Beach: Brooklyn's Windsurfing & Kiteboarding Paradise

Sail Brooklyn: Plumb Beach: Brooklyn's Windsurfing & Kiteboarding Paradise

Plumb Beach Brooklyn the place to go???

great directions if your ever in that area take a kite and check it out.

Kitesurfing The Menu: Day 7 - Botany Bay, Sydney - Herbed Barramundi with Salad and Tzatziki

Kitesurfing The Menu: Day 7 - Botany Bay, Sydney - Herbed Barramundi with Salad and Tzatziki

Kite surfing on botany bay what could be better.

A Kitesurfer's Travels in Fiji: The Wind Arrives

A Kitesurfer's Travels in Fiji: The Wind Arrives

Great info from Mike about his trip to Nananui.

sounds like great fun.

Kiteboarding News: Sail Brooklyn: Plumb Beach: Brooklyn's Windsurfing & Kiteboarding Paradise

Kiteboarding News: Sail Brooklyn: Plumb Beach: Brooklyn's Windsurfing & Kiteboarding Paradise

Another Kiteboarding fan, worth wathich this blog. christian has some great info go through his site.

This is pretty cool, as long as it happened to someone else.
as he says at the bottom, respect the power of the wind....


Just started this blog all about Kiteboarding and kitesurfing.

Welcome along if you want to intro yourself please feel free to drop a comment below.