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Thursday, September 28, 2006

right of way surfers and kiters??

poses an interesting question,  lets hope we don't start getting surf rage.

SurferMag Message Boards: Right-of-way priority between a surfer and kiteboarder?
Got chewed out by one of the kiteboarders that were buzzing around our already-crowded lineup north of the jetty today. Among the obscenities was something to the effect of, "outta the way, I'm going down the line here". This was as I was about to drop into, for the second time, a wave that this particular kite-flyer was "surfing" on.

Now, from his perspective, those waves had already been claimed by his surfing them. From my perspective, he has a means of propulsion that will move his ass 20kts anywhere he wants to go, there is a hundred miles of open beach north and south of the jetties, and I was waiting patiently for a nice peak to just happen to set up right where I happened to be sitting. From a strictly nautical perspective, the less manuverable vessel always has the right of way, like sail over power, and manpower over sail.

Judging from his reaction, I don't think this particular kiter had thought all these factors through. I'm betting he is also a surfer, becuase there was that "my wave" kind of vibe to it. Pretty wild to see how bent out of shape he got, I could actually hear his hollering through my MP3 earbuds. Didn't really know how to respond, so I just gave him the international hand signals for "Sorry, I can't hear you because I have a bannana stuck in my ear, but perhaps you should consider my suggestions for just where you can stuff that kite, and how it can be wedged in place with that surfboard you are strapped to." Not sure it translated well, but I think he got the general jist.

Anyway, there is a legitimate question here... Being that this is a new sport/sport interaction for me, I may be off base in my judgement of right of way priority. Is there an entry on this particular situation in the 2006 Code of Surfing Ethics?

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